Sunday, October 21, 2007

Personally, It's Kind of Fun

I am now on another dating website, and it's definitely a little different than the first one. For one thing, people seem to be more open to sending emails. Also, they have pre-written one-liners that you can send, instead of just a wink. Like, "Thank for getting in touch. Do you have a photo you can post?". I've emailed back and forth with a few guys who all seem nice, albeit illiterate (well, not all of them, just some.) Then I got this email from a guy I never emailed with before.

melissa,,lets marry for real,,,joe,, my yahoo ID is -----,,you,ll like everything about me,,god bless

Let's marry? I don't think so.
God bless? I believe my religion is listed as agnostic. Maybe he could have chosen another closing to his quite eloquent email.
And what's with all the commas? He's even used on in place of an apostrophe.
Also, he's got the worst moustache that goes all the way down to his chin.
What a winner.

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