Wednesday, October 3, 2007

12 Days to Start Fresh

I was having a conversation with a date (well, there it goes, now that I've publicly announced that I had a date, the future is doomed. I'll never hear from him again. That would be too bad.) about going to the gym and eating healthy and making decisions and resolutions. One of my friends said she was starting a healthy diet on Monday. Monday happened to be the first of October. Anyway, this date said that he starts things at the beginning of the month; he considers a new month like a mini New Year's, and that way, he has 12 chances to stick to resolutions. It makes things seem more attainable, and also makes it less crappy when you fail to stick to the resolution because you can just start over again next month instead of saying "well, I guess I know what will be on my New Year's Resolution list next year."

Anyway, I was reminded of this conversation when I read this post from Cate about resolving to spend less and get more sleep. I have worked pretty hard, and not really successfully, on spending less. First, I stopped using my credit cards. Then I stopped buying daily breakfast on the way to work. That saved about $100 a month, and helped with the other goal that I'm not getting any closer to achieving - losing 30 pounds. But then, I needed shoes, and then I got really busy at work and was too tired to make enough dinner so there'd be leftovers for lunch the next day, so I bought lunch at work, and ate lame dinners at home. And then, I needed more shoes.

So, I'm getting there but it's a constant battle. I spend money when I feel sad, but I don't usually feel better with clutter. Now, I spend money on practical things, mostly. I don't do the monthly Christmas Tree Shop trip, and I only buy beauty products I actually need.

My October resolution is to do some sort of exercise at least 4 times a week. So far, I've gone twice. There are three days left in the week. Can I do it? Time will tell.

I think my November resolution will be to work on reducing my level of anxiety. Perhaps by going to yoga or something. At this moment, I'm so wound up I don't know if I can wait until November.

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