Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Slow Period is Over

I thought the end of the year was the time of year that people sort of slacked off at work. Apparently, in my profession, it's the time of year that you start a HUGE project with a Jan. 1 deliverable date. Happy December! I'm just glad I took a week off earlier this month.

In other news, I am returning at least one of the pocketbooks - the 22.99 one. I think I might also return the $80 one. It's too nice. And kind of big. Yup. Off to TJ Maxx to make a return. I'm keeping the cheesy 12.99 not-leather one. God. I am NOT fashionable.

Friday, November 23, 2007


Today I am giving thanks that Thanksgiving is over. It's not a holiday unless there's crying, right? I finally snapped at about 4:30 yesterday. The day started with a phone call at 9:10 am. On a holiday!!! I get to sleep late and the phone rings. Granted, the caller thought it was actually 10:10 am because the clock hadn't been adjusted for daylight savings time, but even 10 is early.

I spent the morning peeling and chopping carrots, then lugged the carrots, a dessert, 2 folding chairs, a giant bottle of pinot grigio, a book (in case I got bored. Ha! Bored? I was being given tasks to do all afternoon. No time for boredom.), a pair of sneakers (in case we went for a walk), and two trays of stuffed mushrooms. This took about four trips up and down the mountainous flight of stairs that I'm growing weary of.

I'm not going to go into great detail about the stress of Thanksgiving. I will say this. I drank probably more than half of the magnum size bottle of wine. Maybe that's why I cried, but I think I would have cried sooner if I had not been drinking.

Also, I've come up with a Christmas gift list for my parents.

  • Gates - so that we don't have to spend the entire day chasing after a very mobile 2 year old. This 2 year old has a 5 year old brother. You'd think that they'd have bought gates sooner.
  • A case of paper towels. Who doesn't have paper towels around, at least for a holiday?
  • A large cutting board that belongs in the upstairs kitchen.
  • A good chef's knife, or a santoku knife, also for the upstairs kitchen.
  • A larger size folding table
  • Folding chairs
  • An entire home remodel. (Wishful thinking. I'll start with a new cooktop in the kitchen.)
I'm also thankful that I can work from home on this day after a holiday.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Shopping Guilt

I went to TJ Maxx yesterday, all sweaty and gross from the gym, because I desperately needed a black pocketbook. Yes, it was a life or death situation. (Not really.) I ended up with three new bags, one for $12.99, one for $22.99, and one for $79.99. Did I really need three bags? Of course not. What the hell am I doing, buying 3 bags, and spending eighty dollars on just one? I justified it by telling myself that my sister bought a bag for way more recently. Of course, she hasn't been on the clothing shopping spree that I've been on for the past 2 months (or really, the past lifetime). I have new cords, new pants, sweaters, socks, it goes on and on. I did buy 2 skirts that I need to return, at least one of them, and I have held back on spending money on these. I'm waiting for them to go on sale.*

So, I felt so guilty that I called Amanda to tell her about my spending and she didn't get to the phone. Then I got stuck in the express lane at the grocery store in front of someone who had 2 purchases in one cart, and was OCD about how the cashier rung up the items. They had to be in a specific order because "everything is getting crushed!" and she didn't have enough money for everything. I was sighing about this with the woman in line behind me and so I told her I had to confess to someone that I'd spent almost $200 @ TJ Maxx when I really just needed one pocketbook. Oh, I also spent some $ on nailpolish. So, overall, yesterday was a pretty pricey day. On the plus side, I get a bonus in less than a month, and I have clothes that fit, so when I go to work I feel comfortable. Also, I have things to wear on dates other than the same pair of jeans.

*Read the description of the boots from the seller. She is ebaying them because she can't afford to keep them. Hilarious. A woman after my own heart. I have done mass returns because I need the money and overspent. A sign of a serious shopping problem. Maybe I should get some help.
Oh, and the reason I want these boots is because them come in "extended calf" sizes. Meaning, these calves that are so strong they can break a chicken's neck would actually fit inside of them. I bought some wide-calf boots from Eddie Bauer last year and apparently they think that wide calf also means wide ankle. It was all loose and bunchy at the ankle and looked terrible.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It's Deval Patrick's Show

It just hit me. Deval Patrick and Garry Shandling have the exact same voice.

*Warning: I only watched the first 5 minutes of the video linked to above. I don't know if it's rude or whatever, but Ricky does say the F word in the first minute or so.