Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Tonight found me pointing a flashlight at Noel's bum. It looked a little weird, not that I would know what her bum looks like normally, but I thought that maybe she'd been constipated and had hurt herself. After a closer look, it turned out it was fine. Nothing was wrong. The only thing wrong about it was that I was SHINING A FLASHLIGHT AT A CAT'S BUTT!! WHILE I was on the phone with a guy from an online dating website. And I narrated what I was doing. And he still wants to talk to me again!! Desperate? Or just as wacked as I am?

3/13/08: Update. Maybe I was wrong. I didn't hear from this guy again so I think it's apparent that he didn't want to talk to me again. Note to self: Save a little for the 40th date.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Cat Sitting

I'm cat-sitting for Noel, while her mom's away in sunny ARUBA! Man, am I jealous! Noel arrived on Thursday night, and while she was quiet for the first couple of hours, at about 1:30, she started a non-stop meowing racket. This caused some issues with my sleeping (I couldn't), and my own 2 cats (they were dying to get into the room she was in). I checked in on her a couple of times between 1:30 and 5, and then, I grabbed a pillow and a blanket and curled up on the rug in the room with her for an hour. That seemed to work. I can understand her concern. She's an indoor cat and probably doesn't get out much. Plus, she could probably smell my cats, and could definitely hear them scratching at the door, ready to pounce!!

She's totally calm now and she's also in a better room. One that doesn't smell like it was freshly painted, and warm! The other room was a little drafty. Here, in the dining room, she has access to windows, and can watch birds in the shrubs. Plus, the dining room table has padded chairs, and it's nice and dark underneath the table, hidden by the table cloth.

Here's a pic of happy Noel (po quality; taken w/my camera phone).

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

I'm officially back on the market. Hopefully this time I can find a nice guy who actually has time to date.

I'm sad because yesterday I told the recent nice guy that I wasn't going to pursue anything with him anymore because it was clear he didn't have the time. Work work work. We talked last night, he apologized for avoiding the inevitable conversation, and for hurting my feelings. He said he wished he hated me because it would be easier, but he doesn't. He thinks I'm "awesome" and still likes me, and misses me. (Clearly not enough to actually make more of an effort to get in touch. Words can be really empty at times.) He also admitted that, yes, he didn't have time to date anyone right now.

We decided we'd stay in touch, and if he ever comes to the conclusion that he doesn't want to be that guy who is 43 and realizes he's still single, he can call me. I'm not waiting around, by any means. I haven't been; I've got some online dating activity. And I'm not likely to go out of my way to get in touch with him. What would be the point? But there was something there, and if he clues into how to have a job and a social life and I'm still single, I'll give him a second (or is it a third, or fourth?) chance. It's not often you find a guy who holds the door, pays for everything, doesn't pressure you for sex, and is smart.

Don't you love Valentine's Day?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Food Negation Theory

If only the Amateur Gourmet's food negation theory were true, then the antioxidant effects of the wine I'm drinking would negate the 2 mint milanos. Does white wine even have antioxidants?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Nerds Explained

This blog post explains just about all of my recent guy problems.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Pet Care

I don't really want to add up the vet bills from 2007, but I'm sure they came to more than $500. If you add in the copays and prescriptions from my many cat-inflicted wounds, it's at least another $100. This article talks about pets, vet bills, and how much a pet is worth. Interesting. I don't know what my upper limit is, but I'm sure I'd have done the same things as this writer.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Kinda Creepy

I just checked the sitemeter tracking results on my other blog, the one that has (had) my real name in the copyright text. In the past 2 weeks, 2 people have searched for me by name and found my blog. Not really a big deal, except that one of the searches came from the city in which the ex-bf lives. I hope it wasn't him. I've since changed the copyright info but it's still showing up in Google searches. Oh well. It's not like I haven't Googled him. I just had a friend do most of the actual website visiting.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Even Robots Aren't On Time

It's 7:24, 6 minutes from the end of the MTV-sponsored Democratic debate and Hillary is late. She's probably not going to show. I wonder how the youth of today feel about that. She's on shaky ground - probably shouldn't blow off the college kids this late in the game.

TV Rots the Brain

While browsing Netflix to watch instantly online, I came across a TV show that I wouldn't consider wasting my time with now, though when the episodes were new, I barely missed one. Xena, Warrior Princess. Back in the days of no cable and staying up too late, I'd watch Xena and the other favorite, Hercules, starring Kevin Sorbo. Both shows were completely ridiculous, with special effects that were just a hair better than when Marlena was possessed on Days of Our Lives. But it's what was on, and so I watched it.

Of course, now I waste my time with The O.C. What's better? Or worse? Hard to say.