Saturday, November 22, 2008

Today's Observations and Thoughts

I went to the shopping mall and saw the most ridiculous thing. A man, bundled up (it was about 25 degrees F, and windy), holding an 8 foot tall sign advertising Linens and Things and their going out of business sale. This guy is probably getting minimum wage to hold a sign. He probably doesn't have employer sponsored health insurance and has to buy the state insurance. He'll get sick because he's standing out in the freezing cold. And there's probably some ridiculous law that says the store can't tape a sign up there but actually HAS to have someone hold it. He wasn't even holding it. It was leaning against a pole.

Sandra Lee's Thanksgiving show had this juicy tidbit: "Add buttermilk to your mashed potatoes to add a nice flavor without adding a lot of fat. And then, add a half a stick of butter." OH right. Because butter doesn't add ANY fat.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

flying tips

book early and try for a window seat. Not only for the view but so you can lean your head against the side to sleep. I have middle seats both to and from my destination.
double check your iPhone sync so that all of the Stuff You Should Know podcasts that you fell asleep listening to don't get erased and you're stuck with " how the mortgage bailout works" & "are there real fight clubs?"
Hilton hotels are really nice.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Goodbye my Sammy.

I gave Sam up for adoption on Friday. He's now living in a new home on 1.5 acres in Lancaster, MA. His new owners are a young couple, in their 20s. They have a 3 month old basset hound puppy named Moses. Sam will probably just avoid him, and luckily, the new owner is going to keep Sam's stuff on the 2nd floor of their 1700s Cape house, because Moses can't walk up stairs. His legs are too short.

I'll miss my guy, but he'll be happy. He'll be able to go outside, kill mice, and sleep inside at night. I'm expecting an update from the couple at the end of the week.

This is one of the photos that got Sam his new home. Isn't he regal?

This is a photo of Sam doing one of his favorite things. I told B, his new owner, that it's one of his things. She said no problem, their dog drinks out of the tub too! This girl is definitely an animal person.

P.S. That first photo, I opted not to put in Sam's "personal" ad. Too scary.

The Pains of Low-Cost Cable

I have some really really cheap cable service, and what's happened is Channel 4 clarity has steadily declined. I don't really watch a ton of TV, but 2 of the 3 shows I love are on CBS 4. I fiddle with the cable cord, but it doesn't get better for very long. Tonight, in about 10 minutes is a new episode of The New Adventures of Old Christine, and there's a Barack Obama ad on right now. It's coming in pretty well. Will it last? I wait with bated breath...

*** Update!! I watched the show, the channel came in! And boy was it funny!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

What's Grosser Than Gross?

Getting up, not showering, going running (it's 85 F today), not showering, then going to the car dealer.

Even grosser will be when I meet with my realtor tonight and still haven't showered.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Kite Runner? Really?

I've been on eHarmony for about 2 months and so far, I've received over 150 matches. I've been on dates with 2 guys - one was not so hot, one's progressing nicely. This post, however, is about the answer to the question "What's the last book you read?" Why is it that almost every guy says "The Kite Runner"? and then has some copied-from-Cliff Notes (or maybe Details/FHM magazine) description of the book that they think makes them sound really smart and emotionally mature? Do they think it will make them more enticing or attractive?

Otherwise, it's either "I don't read books, unless it's for work or Grad school" or "I just read Moby Dick" or some other book that everybody, everybody had to read in high school and it's really hard to believe this person is waiting until their mid-to-late 30s to read it.

I haven't read The Kite Runner and I have no interest.

Car Update

The door squeak is gone.
The new scratch will be fixed; they're ordering a new side door bumper thingy.
The dealer detailed the car after I talked to the Customer Service girl and told her all my probs, and also shared the dog pee story.

So... maybe it's not a lemon.

This is how the debit record for my purchase of my very first Red Sox baseball hat looks on my bank transaction record. Gross. The hat looks pretty good, though.

POS DEB 1809 04/24/08




80s Flashback

Would you have EVER thought, when you were riding the school bus to Forest Grove Middle School, that 20-something years later, Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It" would be sung by women and used to sell birth control? Neither did I. Watch the commercial here and cringe when you realize you're old. I did.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Me and my Lemon

What do Natalie Portman and I have in common? Dog pee.

Last week, a neighborhood chihuahua ran up to my car, jumped on me as I got out of the car, and then jumped into the driver's seat. As I was panicking, yelling at the dog to get out of the car, he lifted is leg and peed on the seat!! Then, he ran away like a flash. My brand new car that's already been in the shop 3 times since purchase: once for a chip of paint off the driver's side door handle, once to tighten the door frame that was squeaking against the window (they didn't fix it; it's going back on Friday), and once to replace a tire because I drove over a screw. It brings new meaning to the word screwed, because the screw was too close to the edge and I had to spend $150 for a new tire, only 2 weeks after I bought the car.

Today on the Superficial is a photo of Natalie getting peed on by a dog.

The car's going back on Friday because when I brought it in for the door tightening, I also asked them to maybe fix a scratch on the door handle that I think I made. They said they can't, they'd order a new part. I went back last Saturday to have the new part put in and they'd ordered the wrong part. Annoying. My new appointment is on Friday. Fortunately, I already had that appointment because I have yet another problem w/the car. As I opened the passenger door after work yesterday, I heard a clunk. The edge of the door hit the frame of the car and the paint was squished off the edge. Photo to come later. I called said I needed to add this on to my appointment and also said I was about ready to give the car back. The service lady said I should email the Service and Sales managers and also talk to them when I go in on Friday.

I think the car is cursed.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Great Piano

I've always wanted to learn how to play the piano and I think this is just what I need to get me to sign up for lessons.
The Amateur Gourmet

Read his book. It's great!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hello Kitty

In the funny pages.

Age Groups for Comic

Has anyone ever seen this? Age groups for comics. I wonder why 30 is the cutoff for ranges.

Happy Feet

I'm having the hardwood floors on the second floor, and the stairs up to the second floor, refinished by Happy Feet Hardwood Flooring. Today they sanded and put one coat of polyurethane down. The house REEKS. I'm sleeping either in the back room, or in the sunroom, whichever feels more comfortable. It's not really that smelly in those rooms, now that I've opened the windows and put the fan on.

I can't wait until they're done! In the meantime, my bedroom's in the dining room, my clothes are in the office, and my shoes are in trash bags. The cats are freaking out, being stuck in the sunroom all day, I can't take a shower. Small sacrifices for beautiful floors.

Pictures to come next week.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Crazy Cat Lady

If Chris Leavins was local, I'd totally try to go out with him. Check out his recent tribute to Crazy Cat Ladies.



New Car, Same Old Problems

Today's treat: A New Tire! For the low cost of $152.00, I have a new rear tire to replace the one that had a nail stuck in it. It was too close to the edge to be plugged. How convenient.

While I was feeling frustrated and disappointed, one of the nice ladies who works in Service said: "Just think, you're lucky it wasn't an older tire. If it was worn down a lot, you'd have to get two new tires to make sure the car was balanced."

Every cloud has a silver lining.

The black lining inside the silver lining is for the service guy who wasn't careful enough to not get black stuff scraped onto my rim when either removing or replacing the wheel onto the car. 10 points for carelessness. I used a mitten I bought on clearance from Target to wipe off as much as I could. I actually think there's a scuff but I just didn't feel like putting up a stink. I had to pee, so I just had to get out of there.

Monday, March 31, 2008


Right now, my profile is on three dating websites. One, I don't subscribe to. One is free. The third is eHarmony. So far, I've received over 40 matches in just over a week. There are some promising matches out there, but it's only been a week so, so far, it's just email and Dr. Neil Clark's "Guided Communication".

eHarmony has all these helpful hints on how to get a man, keep a man, and improve your life. I took a 6-question survey called the Marriage Clock. Here are the results. I guess I have something to look forward to.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

complaint regret

I shouldn't complain about the new car, really. There are more good things about it than bad. I guess I just expected perfection for $20k.

Great miles per gallon!
Stereo buttons on the steering wheel!
MP3 hookup!
Heated seats!
Cool dashboard with blue lights for the speed and stuff!
Heated side mirrors!! How cool is THAT?!
CD Player!
Big trunk!

And... it's silver, which means:

Infrequent trips to the car wash!!

Brand New Car?

I got my brand new car on Monday night. I went to maybe pick it up on Friday and there was a paint chip on the door handle and some purple paint spattered on the side. They fixed the chip - not sure if it was repainted or replaced. They washed the purple paint. I went to get it Monday night and there was a little part missing - a key-hole cover. Someone had put a piece of tape over it. The salesman took one of another car.

Today, I was driving to work and I heard a squeaking sound coming from the door. The door is rubbing against the frame and making a squeaking noise right in my ear. I can actually move the door panel and make the noise myself with just one finger. So, tomorrow, I have to call the dealer and get it fixed.

Oh, and I've already scratched the thing, inside, on the door panel. Low, so it's not totally obvious. I must have swung my briefcase too far or something.

So, I guess a brand new car can still have some problems.

Other than that, it's sweet. I used the heated seats this morning! Nice.

Monday, March 24, 2008


If ever I get married, I hope the proposal isn't done over Twitter.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Actually, Grateful

The neighbors came over today to give me a thank you card and some chocolates from France. I guess I just wasn't patient enough. They're forgiven.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Last week, my neighbors went to Paris. Lucky them. They asked me if I'd feed their cats while there were gone, so of course I said yes. It was a natural transition from having Noel here to checking in on their cats for a week. And in a way, easy because they were staying at their own house. So, I went over there every day for a week and petted them, and gave them each a can of wet food. And filled the water bowls.

I thought they were coming back Saturday but I guess it was Sunday. At around 6 pm Saturday night, I went over and did my thing, and then, checked in again on Sunday afternoon. I hoped they were coming home on Sunday, but it was hard to say because they had left their cars here while they were gone. Then, Sunday night, I was talking to Dad outside and he noticed that a light upstairs had just gone off. So, phew, they were home. I was done.

Monday night, my car died. It was towed to the mechanic and there it's sat. I had Dana's car during the day for a couple of days but not overnight. So, maybe they don't think I'm home. I'm saying this because it's Thursday night and they have yet to call me to say "Thanks for watching our cats. They were well fed and alive. Oh? You checked in on them every single day? How nice of you. That's more than you probably ask your family to do when you're on vacation. Anyway, thank you very much."

Nope, no phone call. Maybe they think I'm out of town. Maybe they're pissed because I may have lost their house key. The husband thought I had one, but I couldn't find it and so we just left the door unlocked all week. They apparently didn't have time to make a spare.

I just think it's rude. That's 2 instances of rude in one week. Not that I'm counting.

When I do happen to see them in passing, I'm sure I'll be very nice and say it wasn't a problem.

Cruise Time!

Amanda and I are going on a 7 day cruise from Boston to Bermuda! I just added a countdown on the blog. This should help me stick to an exercise plan and instill panic that I need to shop for an entirely new wardrobe. And get a week's worth of library books! I can't wait! Only 9 weeks away.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


In the past week, I've reached several milestones in my life. Today's post will be in list format.

  • I had a birthday a week ago. I'm 36. Which means, I'm closer to 40 than 30, but I still consider myself in my mid-thirties, not "pushing forty". I had some great celebrations (dinner out - great company, great food; wine with friends and family; great gifts; a fun party) and learned a valuable lesson. Always, always take your birthday off from work. I'll remember this next year.
  • I finally went to the Super WalMart in the next town. The last time I tried to go, which was also the first time, they weren't open yet. It was a lonely drive through the parking lot for me. In my formerly awesome CAR, which...
  • Bit the dust yesterday. I was driving home, took a left off the main road, almost home, and the car slipped out of gear and got stuck in neutral. In the middle of the road. I managed to get it up the street after turning it off and on and sending it through the gears a few times. I had the bright idea that it was fine, just a fluke. So I decided to try to take it to the Y. I made it a block and a half. So... I borrowed my brother's car, went to the Y, and called AAA to have it towed to the local mechanic. Diagnosis: Transmission is shot. Repair cost: $2,500. The milestone here is, it was the first brand new car I owned, a 2001 Honda Civic, and it's gone. If I had known it was my last ride, would I have been more appreciative of the car?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Stood Up

I've been stood up for a date w/Cat Allergy guy (he's allergic to cats). We had plans to go out for dinner tonight, plans made last Sunday. I guess they weren't firm to him because it's 6:50 on Friday night and I'm not on my way to dinner. I'm on my way to WalMart. That's right. I'm off to buy storage for my knitting supplies. :) There are some benefits to being stood up. I can work on clearing my clutter. I can turn brain off for the night. I have a new movie from Netflix. Plus, I won't be tired or hungover for my birthday party tomorrow! Still, though, it is kind of rude.

The Bobbsey Twins

Amanda and I went for a walk at the Rail Trail. We wore the same outfit. An older couple said "Hi, Kids" when we passed to us.

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Laser Tag

It's pretty dark in the video, but look closely. Noel loves the laser pointer toy.

Just Can't Get Enough

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Sam's nose, trying to figure out what the hell is going on in the dining room. Some hissing, growling, and general malaise occurred, but he was easily distracted by food and water from the tub faucet.
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The Week That Was

Here we find Noel in one of her favorite vacation spots: The Dining Room Table Cave. It's cheap to travel here; you don't even need to get on a plane. And someone give you three square meals a day. Granted, there's not much variety, but sometime they even play with you!

"Hmm, should I get up off of this chair, or am I feeling too lazy?"

"Let's check out this little toy. Oh! There's something delicious in it. Is that catnip I smell?"

The catnip takes effect...

During the week, I gave Noel a change of scenery. I blocked off some rooms and she was able to explore the lands of Kitchen and Pantry. She enjoyed it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Tonight found me pointing a flashlight at Noel's bum. It looked a little weird, not that I would know what her bum looks like normally, but I thought that maybe she'd been constipated and had hurt herself. After a closer look, it turned out it was fine. Nothing was wrong. The only thing wrong about it was that I was SHINING A FLASHLIGHT AT A CAT'S BUTT!! WHILE I was on the phone with a guy from an online dating website. And I narrated what I was doing. And he still wants to talk to me again!! Desperate? Or just as wacked as I am?

3/13/08: Update. Maybe I was wrong. I didn't hear from this guy again so I think it's apparent that he didn't want to talk to me again. Note to self: Save a little for the 40th date.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Cat Sitting

I'm cat-sitting for Noel, while her mom's away in sunny ARUBA! Man, am I jealous! Noel arrived on Thursday night, and while she was quiet for the first couple of hours, at about 1:30, she started a non-stop meowing racket. This caused some issues with my sleeping (I couldn't), and my own 2 cats (they were dying to get into the room she was in). I checked in on her a couple of times between 1:30 and 5, and then, I grabbed a pillow and a blanket and curled up on the rug in the room with her for an hour. That seemed to work. I can understand her concern. She's an indoor cat and probably doesn't get out much. Plus, she could probably smell my cats, and could definitely hear them scratching at the door, ready to pounce!!

She's totally calm now and she's also in a better room. One that doesn't smell like it was freshly painted, and warm! The other room was a little drafty. Here, in the dining room, she has access to windows, and can watch birds in the shrubs. Plus, the dining room table has padded chairs, and it's nice and dark underneath the table, hidden by the table cloth.

Here's a pic of happy Noel (po quality; taken w/my camera phone).

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

I'm officially back on the market. Hopefully this time I can find a nice guy who actually has time to date.

I'm sad because yesterday I told the recent nice guy that I wasn't going to pursue anything with him anymore because it was clear he didn't have the time. Work work work. We talked last night, he apologized for avoiding the inevitable conversation, and for hurting my feelings. He said he wished he hated me because it would be easier, but he doesn't. He thinks I'm "awesome" and still likes me, and misses me. (Clearly not enough to actually make more of an effort to get in touch. Words can be really empty at times.) He also admitted that, yes, he didn't have time to date anyone right now.

We decided we'd stay in touch, and if he ever comes to the conclusion that he doesn't want to be that guy who is 43 and realizes he's still single, he can call me. I'm not waiting around, by any means. I haven't been; I've got some online dating activity. And I'm not likely to go out of my way to get in touch with him. What would be the point? But there was something there, and if he clues into how to have a job and a social life and I'm still single, I'll give him a second (or is it a third, or fourth?) chance. It's not often you find a guy who holds the door, pays for everything, doesn't pressure you for sex, and is smart.

Don't you love Valentine's Day?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Food Negation Theory

If only the Amateur Gourmet's food negation theory were true, then the antioxidant effects of the wine I'm drinking would negate the 2 mint milanos. Does white wine even have antioxidants?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Nerds Explained

This blog post explains just about all of my recent guy problems.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Pet Care

I don't really want to add up the vet bills from 2007, but I'm sure they came to more than $500. If you add in the copays and prescriptions from my many cat-inflicted wounds, it's at least another $100. This article talks about pets, vet bills, and how much a pet is worth. Interesting. I don't know what my upper limit is, but I'm sure I'd have done the same things as this writer.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Kinda Creepy

I just checked the sitemeter tracking results on my other blog, the one that has (had) my real name in the copyright text. In the past 2 weeks, 2 people have searched for me by name and found my blog. Not really a big deal, except that one of the searches came from the city in which the ex-bf lives. I hope it wasn't him. I've since changed the copyright info but it's still showing up in Google searches. Oh well. It's not like I haven't Googled him. I just had a friend do most of the actual website visiting.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Even Robots Aren't On Time

It's 7:24, 6 minutes from the end of the MTV-sponsored Democratic debate and Hillary is late. She's probably not going to show. I wonder how the youth of today feel about that. She's on shaky ground - probably shouldn't blow off the college kids this late in the game.

TV Rots the Brain

While browsing Netflix to watch instantly online, I came across a TV show that I wouldn't consider wasting my time with now, though when the episodes were new, I barely missed one. Xena, Warrior Princess. Back in the days of no cable and staying up too late, I'd watch Xena and the other favorite, Hercules, starring Kevin Sorbo. Both shows were completely ridiculous, with special effects that were just a hair better than when Marlena was possessed on Days of Our Lives. But it's what was on, and so I watched it.

Of course, now I waste my time with The O.C. What's better? Or worse? Hard to say.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

New England Winter

Is winter over yet? The good thing about shoveling these stairs it I can use it as an excuse to skip going to the gym.

It's only January 27. A few more months to go.

This one doesn't seem to mind the snow.

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Coffee Competition!

This is how the day started.

A few minutes later, someone had shared their opinion about how Dunkin ruled over Starbucks.

Clearly, the Dunkin fans were more vocal than the (more refined) Starbucks fans.

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Saturday, January 26, 2008


One of the never-ending household chores is the dirty laundry. I dream of the day all of the clothes and towels and sheets and whatever else is clean. It will never happen. At the end of it all, I still have to be wearing something. So those clothes will definitely be dirty.

I had a solid 36 hours in front of me to clean the house, clean my room, get rid of all the clothes that don't fit me, and boy are there a lot of those. And DO THE LAUNDRY. Instead, I did a few loads of laundry, cleaned some dishes, and then went out to do some chores. Now, it's nighttime, I got back at around 10, and there's no way I'm doing any cleaning. Not when there's an entire episode of The OC here. At least there's some clean underwear.

Friday, January 25, 2008


It's coming up on Valentine's day, which is another excuse for stores to sell holiday themed candy, and bakeries to sell holiday themed cupcakes. I bought a chocolate cupcake on the way to work, with white frosting, a red plastic heart pick and red and white heart shaped sprinkles.

It's not my favorite holiday.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


How long does limbo last before it's not limbo, you're no longer waiting to find out or hear something, and it's just time to move on?


Some pet peeves (forgive me if I've posted about this before)

The sound of a plastic spoon in an almost empty yogurt cup. That quick scrape scrape sound makes my skin crawl.

The incessant throat clearing of my neighbor. It drives me crazy. I can hear it over the cranked Pandora. I've had a cold and am now doing it myself, but I'm trying to keep it to a minimum and am NOT doing it 2 or 3 times a minute!

People who ask if you have any questions and then keep talking and don't let you ask them.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Dating Hating, continued:
Plans were made, plans were canceled, and now we're both doing some thinking. What a hassle.

The Lure of TV

It's my day off, a holiday for MLK day. I decided I'd try to finally get my house in order and continue the constant chore of sorting out clothes that don't fit anymore and need to be donated. If only I didn't have a TV I might actually get something done. Instead, I'm watching bad sitcoms, reruns of MadTV, and whatever else is on so that I don't have to go back to cleaning.

Long Island Wealth

Summer 2006, I went to a kid's birthday party on Long Island, in the Hamptons. It was unbelievable, this summer house. The house was right on the beach, and they had a giant pool! The family had rented a trampoline that was docked in the water a few hundred yards out. They had kayaks, little electric cars for the kids, and food and drink galore. The weirdest thing was that they'd rented a petting zoo for the kids. There were rabbits, goats, and chickens. I've never been to a party at a home that had an actual petting zoo. To make matters even stranger, the petting zoo company never came back to get the animals. They got busy with some other project and never came back. The poor animals had to stay overnight and there wasn't enough food for them for that long so the owners had to make do with some sort of substitute animal feed. Bizarre.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


As I was driving home, going at max 20 mph down Highland Street, stop and go, ready to lose it and trying really hard not to tailgate, I thought, "I'm in hell. My own personal hell would definitely involve me stuck in stop and go traffic." Then I thought about what would be on the radio and would it be the same song over and over? What if it was the song that was on the radio right then? Some Lenny Kravitz song. That wouldn't be good.

My train of thought went to another time that a song was on repeat for way too long. It was about 20 years ago, at the CK. Shaun was playing Beck's Loser over and over and over and over, for hours. I think I was there for about an hour of the marathon. After a while it was kind of soothing.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Netflix hate: I was so thrilled to receive the OC yesterday and then was so disappointed when I got to the second episode (the next-to-last episode of season 1) and it was all messed up. Pixelated, skippy, annoying.

Dating hate: I'm in a situation where the balance of power has shifted and I'm on the bottom. I'm the one wanting to see this person, and he's the one who is too busy with work to even consider making plans. It's funny how quickly things change. I've been avoiding writing about dating on this blog because I thought this one was going well and I didn't want to jinx is, and also wanted to protect privacy, and now, I'm inches away from throwing in the towel so what does it matter now? Actually, some might say I've thrown in the towel already because I'm now at the point where I'm done reaching out, via email, telephone, or the abhorrent text message. I'm waiting for him to call. Not waiting by the phone or keeping my calendar free, but waiting. Unfortunately, I have a daily reminder of this guy in the form of a new coffee maker. Yesterday I was so bent out of shape I actually bought a latte on the way to work instead of making my own in the K-Cup machine.

Muscle pain hate: I've had serious muscle pain in my back for a month. It's from the old bed, which is gone, but I'm not sure how to get rid of the pain.

Mail order shopping hate: I bought the 34R bootcut jeans from J.Crew because the 33Rs gave me serious muffin top when I tried them on in the store. Then, I lost a pound and also wore the jeans and they stretched out. I can't wear them without a belt and am thinking I need to have them tailored, taken in at the waist. So, they were still on sale so I bought (final sale!) the 33Rs, thinking they would still give me the muffin top but they'd stretch. I tried them on yesterday and would you believe, they're loose? What the hell? Granted, the crotch isn't as long as the 34s, and I haven't washed them yet, but how can one 33 be so much looser than another? Also, I tried on my sister's boot cut cords from Ann Taylor Loft and the size was right, so I ordered them online and today, I tried them on and wore them to work. I think they're too big and I'm hoping they'll shrink up in the wash but probably not enough. I should have gotten a size smaller. Ugh.

That's enough hating for now.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Like Cat, Like Owner

Sam went to the vet today because he has an infected cut at the tip of his ear. As it turns out, another animal, probably a cat, bit right through his ear. There was a hole!!! Now, he's on antibiotics and I have to open the wound twice a day to drain the fluid. Gross.

The funny part is, he's taking amoxycillin, which is what I'm taking for my ear infection/sinus cold.

Today, though, at the end of the day, things turned around. I got The OC, Season 1, Disc 7 in the mail. Pure JOY.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Have Cape, Will Travel

I made these capes for my nephews for Christmas, from a pattern I got from this blog.

They were a hit!

Things I've Bought That I Love

As a tribute to Mindy Kaling's blog, here are a few things I've recently purchased that I just love.

Aloe Soothing Day Cream from The Body Shop

This lotion is unscented, doesn't have alcohol as one of the first few ingredients, and is not drying. It's also not overly thick, doesn't leave a film, blends in really well, and keeps my face moisturized but not shiny for the whole day. It's worth the price. $14

Kiss My Face Clean for a Day face cleanser

I picked this up at Whole Foods and I love it. It smells really good, like tangerine, but it's not too powerful of a scent. It's not drying at all, but my face feels clean after washing. I love it. I'd been using Cetaphil, but it really wasn't getting my face clean and kind of dried me out at the same time. It is good for removing makeup, though.

A Shabby Chic Milk scented candle ($28 - way way too much but it smells fantastic. Though to some people, it smells like Ivory soap. I don't get it.). They aren't available online, but they have stores in malls. If you go into the store and fall in love with the way it smells, this candle is for you.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Good Times

I went ice skating yesterday. No falls for me or my brother; plenty for my nephew. It was fun but I think I'm going to sign up for lessons at the local rink. And buy some knee pads.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Friday Night

It's 10 o'clock, Friday night, and I'm into my 5th episode of the OC, Season 1 (I love Netflix.). I've been in my pajamas since 6, and I'm knitting.

I'm 35. Not 16, not 65. 35. I think the thing I'm struggling with is, as much as I want to be at home, comfy and just vegging out, I find it hard to get past the fact that it's Friday night and I'm at home, comfy in my pjs, watching a 4-year old teeny-bopper comedy-drama and knitting. Maybe it's the knitting. Tomorrow, I'll wake up with my first gray hair. Hahaha. My first... I'm not looking forward to that day.

It will be a cute hat and pair of socks, though.

Update: I forgot to mention the 2 cats hanging around. Aah the single life! :) I do love it, though. Especially when it's like 10 degrees out.