Thursday, May 10, 2007

At least I don't do drugs

I have a serious spending problem. I'm trying to curb it. I'm trying to wear the clothes I own and not buy more. But a lot of the clothes I own don't fit, either because they're too big (from the fat years) or because they're too small (because of the post-surgery swelling). So I've bought some dresses. They're easy to wear and are pretty comfortable. Of course, I bought a brown dress, and don't have brown shoes. I've been searching high and low for good brown summer sandals. I finally found these tonight.

Now, all I need to be ready for the summer is a new pair of flip flops.

Yeah, right. That's all I need. Until I see something else I want.

Tomorrow, I'm making some returns of things I bought but don't need.

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