Wednesday, September 5, 2007

No specific topic

Although you wouldn't know it from looking at my hands, I am now a person who gets her nails done. Granted, I wait weeks in between manicures, so all growth I was so proud of after the first week has been slowly picked off while sitting on boring, useless, interminable conference calls. So, I work to pay for the cleanup of the nails that work makes me pick off. It's a cycle that needs to be broken.

Yesterday, I saw a guy who looked like Sloth from The Goonies. I wanted to stop and take a picture but the battery in the camera was dead. Plus, that would've been really, really rude.

High on my list of chores to take care of tonight: cleaning the litter box. For those people who are jealous of single people: the grass is not any greener on this side. There's nobody to share the crappy chores with, cooking for one blows, and there's just no way in hell I can really make use of all 8 rooms of this house. There are weeks when I don't even use the half-bathroom, and then I pay the cleaners $60 to clean a clean toilet. Lately, I've been wondering if it's karma, the reason that I'm still single. I can pinpoint at least 2 actions that may be coming back to bite me right in the ass.

Also annoying: The only time I feel like blogging is when I'm utterly cranky, so now it just seems like my life is one big ball of misery. It's not, really, most of the time, but I am horribly bored.

Alright, I'm off to read and get to sleep early. I have a 530 wakeup ahead of me.

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