Monday, April 2, 2007

Housecleaning Report

The housecleaners were due to arrive between 8:30 and 9:00 on Saturday morning. I got up at 7 am to finish clearing the clutter out of some of the rooms so they could actually clean. By the end of the day I was exhausted, but at least it forced me to get organized.

So, this whole cleaning lady thing is really just great. The whole house was vac'd and mopped, the giant cat fur and dust balls were cleaned away, and the whole house smells like simple green (also known as the smell of clean). They don't do windows, or at least, they do, but it costs more, but I can handle a little windex and paper towels myself. The owner said it would cost about $200 just to do all the windows in my house (I have about 26, plus 20-paned foyer windows and a 15 pane french door. So I can see where that price would be high.) She did say that the ladies would just do one room's windows each time they come, and eventually they would be clean. So, that's pretty good.

I left on Saturday at noon and didn't get home until Sunday night, so I lost out on enjoying a whole day of clean house. I also lost out on a whole day of dirtying it up, so that's probably a good thing.

2 unexpected benefits of the cleaning service:

1. They cleaned the microwave inside and out! Inside and out! And that thing was kind of filthy.
2. The living room chair-and-a-half and ottoman was tilted a different way, so that it was facing the couch. It looks so much better than it did before!

1 problem:
I think they might have thrown away a Netflix envelope. Not sure if I'm going to sift thru the trash for it. Probably not.

Cleaning service: The best thing I ever did.

1 comment:

Cate said...

I'm sold.

You can request more netflix envelopes, or just return 2 together. They'll fit.